Rss feed to email outlook
Rss feed to email outlook

rss feed to email outlook

In the Subscribe to this Feed Using menu, choose one of the feed options.

rss feed to email outlook

Click the “Subscribe to this Feed” link at the top of your page.

rss feed to email outlook

  • Click on the RSS feed below that you wish to sign up for (News, RCMP News Releases, Road Closures or Land Use Bylaw Amendments).
  • To view your feeds, click the Favorites button, and then click Feeds.
  • You can then view your feed on the Feeds tab in the Favorites Center.
  • Type a name for the feed and select the folder to create the feed in.
  • Click the “Subscribe to this Feed” link at the top of the page.
  • Click on the RSS feed that you wish to sign up for (News, RCMP News Releases, Road Closures or Land Use Bylaw Amendments).
  • Below are common instructions on how to subscribe to RSS feeds using popular web browsers. It all depends on your browsing preference and the software you have installed on your computer or mobile device. There are different ways to subscribe to an RSS feed.

    Rss feed to email outlook